Quick Start Guide
Filename: sa3rwqs.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: kimt
Revision #: 164 Page: 43 of 122 Printed: 10/17/02 03:42 PM
Using ISP-Provided Browser
If you have signed up for an ISP that provides
the browser, you can open the browser program
and connect to the Internet by using either of the
following methods:
Double-click the ISP-provided icon on the
Press the Connect (or Internet) button
on the keyboard (select models only).
Using Any Browser
If you signed up for Internet access with an ISP
that allows any browser, use Internet Explorer
or another Web browser to explore the Internet.
To connect to the Internet, use either of the
following methods:
Click Start on the taskbar,
choose All Programs, and click
Internet Explorer.
Press the Connect (or Internet) button
on the keyboard (select models only).
Once you are connected to the Internet,
your browser displays your designated home
Web page.
You can go to a particular Web site by entering
the address (such as http://www.hp.com) in the
Address box in the Web browser and pressing
Enter on your keyboard. Or, you can use the
browser Search tool to search for references to
a specific word or phrase on the Web.