TOTalize:SLOPe {NEGative|POSitive}[,(
TOTalize:SLOPe? [(
Configure the totalizer to count on the rising edge (default; positive) or
falling edge (negative) of the input signal. The totalizer channel is
numbered “s03”, where s represents the slot number. The :SLOP? query
returns the edge selection. Returns “
NEG” or “POS”.
[SENSe:]TOTalize:CLEar:IMMediate [(
Immediately clear the count on the specified totalizer channels.
The totalizer channel is numbered “s03”, where s is the slot number.
[SENSe:]TOTalize:DATA? [(
Read the count on the specified totalizer channels. If you have selected
the RRESet parameter in the TOT:TYPE command, then the TOT:DATA?
command will reset the count to “0” after it is read. The count is reset
regardless of whether the specified channels are in the scan list or even
whether a scan is in progress. The maximum count is 67,108,863 (2
The count rolls over to “0” after reaching the maximum allowed value.
The output from this command is affected by the FORMat:READing
commands (see “Reading Format Commands” on page 231).
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Totalizer Commands