To Build a Scan List From the Remote Interface:
• The MEASure?, CONFigure, and ROUTe:SCAN commands contain a
scan_list parameter which defines the list of channels in the scan list.
Note that each time you send one of these commands, it redefines the
scan list. To determine which channels are currently in the scan list,
you can send the ROUTe:SCAN? query command.
• To initiate a scan, execute the MEASure?, READ?, or INITiate
command. The MEASure? and READ? commands send readings
directly to the instrument’s output buffer but readings are not stored
in memory. The INITiate command stores readings in memory.
Use the FETCh? command to retrieve stored readings from memory.
See the examples starting on page 201 in chapter 5 for more
information on using these commands.
• When you reconfigure a channel and add it to the scan list using
MEASure? or CONFigure, it is important to note that the previous
configuration on that channel is lost. For example, assume that a
channel is configured for dc voltage measurements. When you
reconfigure that channel for thermocouple measurements,
the previous range, resolution, and channel delay are set to their
Factory Reset (*RST command) state.
• Each time you initiate a new scan, the instrument clears all
previously stored readings.
• To stop a scan, execute the ABORt command.
Chapter 4 Features and Functions