Introduction to HP Hub & Switch Management
Definitions, Processes, and Files
SNMP Manager and Agents
HP Hub & Switch Management uses SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) to communicate with managed devices. SNMP commands are
transmitted and received on the network using the Internet Protocol (IP).
The network management station used to run Hub & Switch Management is
referred to as an SNMP manager system. HP devices with SNMP agents are
called agent systems. Each network management operation requested by
the manager system is executed by one or more agent systems.
The manager system communicates with HP devices to retrieve or modify
management information. The devices contain Network Management SNMP
Agent software to support this communication.
Note: For Hub & Switch Management operation, you must set up HP
network devices for SNMP/IP operation. See
Appendix A for more
Community Names for Manager and Agent Interaction
Most SNMP exchanges involve a community name, which can be thought
of as a password for a managed device or group of devices.
Depending on the device, SNMP get requests for information from a device
agent may require the manager to supply a community name that is
configured on the device.
If a password has been specifically configured on a device, then password
authentication is required to perform any SNMP set operations that alter the
configuration or invoke self-test or reset on that device. The manager system
automatically asks you for the password, then puts the encrypted password
in the community name field of subsequent set operations.
Configuring a password on HP devices is recommended but not required. As
described later in this manual, you can use Hub & Switch Management to set
a device password.
Switch Management
Introduction to HP Hub &