
HP Hub & Switch Management Admin
HP Admin Parameters
the attached devices appears. When the device symbol is in the executable
state (a box appears around the symbol) and you double-click on it, a Closeup
View of the device appears.
HP Admin gives you two check boxes in the Make Device Symbols Execut-
able at OpenView Startup section that allow you to change the state of the
device symbols the next time OpenView is started. If the check box for Hubs/
Bridges/Switches is enabled (box is darker), the next time that OpenView is
started the associated device symbols will be executable. If the check box is
not enabled, the next time that OpenView is started the state of the symbols
will not have changed. If the symbols were in the executable state when you
exited OpenView, they will remain in the executable state. If the symbols were
in the explodable state when you exited OpenView, they will remain in the
explodable state.
Note: When an HP Admin check box is disabled, no change in the
existing device symbol state occurs when OpenView is restarted.
Note: If you enable a Hub/Bridge/Switch check box while OpenView is
running, the change in symbol state to executable will not occur until
OpenView is restarted. OpenView checks these parameters at startup.
User Interface Parameters
User Interface parameters enable you to set the visual environment and object
attributes in the HP Hub & Switch Management Device Views.
Management Admin
HP Hub & Switch