
12 Overview
The Hewlett-Packard SureStore E hub, short-wave model S10 and long-wave model L10, is
a full-duplex, 1063-megabit-per-second hub. It increases loop reliability, number of loop
connections, and distances between server and mass storage devices in a Fibre Channel
Arbitrated Loop. The hubs port detection and bypass circuitry dynamically detects and
bypasses a failed node on the loop. Nodes can be added, removed, and reconnected
without bringing down the loop and disrupting communication for other nodes.
Fibre Channel Manager is a web-based software application that allows you to remotely
manage and monitor the health of the hub. To learn more about Fibre Channel Manager,
visit the Hewlett-Packard (Software Depot (http://www.software.hp.com). Fibre Channel
Manager is available as a free download from this web site.
Older hubs may require a firmware upgrade to meet Fibre Channel Managers minimum
requirements. The Software Depot web site has more information about this. The latest
hub firmware and upgrade instructions are available as a free download from this web site.
Detailed configuration information and part numbers for the hub are provided in chapter6,