Updating the Hub Firmware 51
RS-232 Interface
After a few minutes, the transfer prompt appears; for example:
Done, memory range [$00001000:$00004FFF]
Ready to transfer Hub-Controller code from RAM to FLASH
Note, once started, this step must not be interrupted
Press Enter to start, control-C to cancel
The values displayed for memory range represent low-level diagnostics; the values
displayed in the status message can be different from the values shown here.
4. Press <ENTER>. Additional progress indicators and status messages appear; for
The hub is automatically rebooted and additional messages appear:
DRAM test (this will take about 10 seconds) > passed
SEEPROM test (this will take about 1 second) > passed
FLASH checksum (this will take about 2 seconds) > passed
Press Enter key for Boot Menu, Agent boot in 7 seconds
To reboot, you must interrupt the display to go to the Boot menu.
5. Immediately press <ENTER> to display the Boot menu.
Note If the Main menu appears instead of the messages above, enter 1 to reboot the
hub, then press <ENTER> before the timeout period is finished.
If the Main menu appears, ignore the Hub Controller version number. It may be
blank or UNKNOWN. If the version number is blank or UNKNOWN, the upgrade
version number will appear in the Main menu after you update the Hub Device
Agent code and reset the hub.