86 HP ProLiant ML310 Generation 3 Server User Guide
General diagnosis flowchart
The General diagnosis flowchart provides a generic approach to troubleshooting.
If you are unsure of the problem, or if the other flowcharts do not fix the
problem, use the following flowchart.
Item Refer to
1 "Symptom information (on page 82)"
2 "Loose connections (on page 83)"
3 "Service notifications (on page 82)"
4 Server maintenance and service guide, located on the Documentation
CD or the HP website (http://www.hp.com/products/servers/platforms
5 Server user guide or setup and installation guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
6 • Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
• "Hardware problems" in the HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting
Guide located on the Documentation CD or on the HP website
7 • "Server information you need" in the HP ProLiant Servers
Troubleshooting Guide located on the Documentation CD or on the
HP website (http://www.hp.com/support
• "Operating system information you need" in the HP ProLiant
Servers Troubleshooting Guide located on the Documentation CD
or on the HP website (http://www.hp.com/support
8 "Contacting HP technical support or an authorized reseller" in the HP
ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide located on the Documentation
CD or on the HP website (http://www.hp.com/support