Before Installing HP Hub & Switch Management for OV-UX
Management Station Requirements
Management Station Requirements
The following table shows the recommendations for HP 9000 hardware.
Before Installing HP Hub &
Switch Management for OV-
HP 9000 Systems with HP-UX 10.20 or 11.00
Models all (except 705 with Series 700)
(minimum megabytes)
64 MB*
Disk Space
(minimum megabytes**)
150 MB
Monitor Color with at least 1280 x 1024 resolution
Color planes 8
Mouse Yes
* The larger your IP network or the more HP OpenView Windows (ovw) sessions you run,
the more memory you will need. A good guideline is 10 megabytes for every additional 500
nodes, or 25 megabytes of memory for every additional ovwsession that you expect to run.
**Includes HP OpenView Network Node Manager.
The following table shows the software that must be installed, configured,
and verified to run properly prior to installing HP Hub & Switch
Management. These prerequisites assume that you are running a single
HP OpenView Windows (ovw) session.
HP 9000 Systems
OS version HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00
OS configured swap space
(minimum megabytes)
120 MB*
Type of window software X Window with OSF/Motif/CDE
LAN software LAN/Link for HP 9000 & ARPA Services/9000