Management for Non-Browserable Devices
Overview of Toolbar Functions
Hub LAN Ports
The Closeup View allows you to view each hub port and determine port status.
Port status can be determined by the port icon symbol and colors displayed.
You can individually select any port on a Closeup View by clicking on the port
itself. The port number will be displayed in the message bar. If you select a
port, you can perform management functions through the applicable Toolbar
button. (If passwords are used, you must be logged onto the hub to change a
port’s configuration.)
Overview of Toolbar Functions
HP Hub & Switch Management device functions in the Closeup Views allow
you to configure, monitor and manage HP hubs, bridges, and switches.
The following table summarizes the Toolbar menu functions in the Closeup
Views. For specific information about how to use a particular device function
or menu dialog box, click on the Help button in the dialog box.
Table 11-1. Summary of Toolbar Functions
Management for Non-
Browserable Devices
Icon Toolbar Button Description
Device ID Displays identification information for an HP hub,
bridge or switch. For example, you can determine
the device type, firmware version, and MAC
Graph Counters Displays the Graph Counters - Graph window for
graphing various counters and statistical formulas
on a device. The default graph is the LAN Activity%
statistics. If you position the cursor over the
graphing area and press the right mouse button, a
pop-up menu is displayed. Select “Options” to
modify the counters and devices for graphing, and
to configure other graphing options.