
Chapter 13
Figure 13-47
Dat a E dito r with sample results
Unlike voters in the second stage, the rst-stage sampling w eights are not identical for townships
within the same county because they are selected with probability proportional to size.
Figure 13-48
Joint probabilities file
The le poll_jointprob.sav contains rst-stage joint probabilities for selected townships within
counties. County is a rst-stage stratication variable, and Township is a cluster variable.
Combinations of these variables identify all rst-stage PSUs uniquely. Unit_No_ labels PSUs
within each stratum and is used to match up with Joint_Prob_1_, Joint_Prob_2_, Joint_Prob_3_,
Joint_Prob_4_,andJoint_Prob_5_.Therst two strata each have 4 PSUs; therefore, the joint