System Operation 3-25
From time to time, you may need to re-adjust your AUTOFOCUS. The only time that you should
need to re-adjust the AUTOFOCUS is when you have received a new or different length Focus
Lens, have recently Flash upgraded the operating system of the laser, or had a dirty sensor or
reflector and are adjusting it after you have cleaned those parts.
• Place a very flat object on the Engraving Table, within the AUTOFOCUS Zone, that is at least
1 inch thick.
• AUTOFOCUS on this object by pressing the “Z” button once.
• While you are still in the “Z Position” display, move the Focus Carriage using the motion
control keys so that it is above your object that you placed on the table.
• Place your Focus Tool on top of your object and compare the Focus Tool reading with the
actual height that the AUTOFOCUS set the Engraving Table to. If it is not the same, bring
the cursor up to the first line of the “Z Position” display and press the “Select” button. Now
focus on your object by using your Focus Tool and adjusting the “Z Position” until your are
manually focused on top of your object.
• Press the “Escape” button, move the cursor to the “Set Focal Length” line and press
“Select”. It will ask you if you are sure so move the cursor down to the “YES” line and press
“Select”. The AUTOFOCUS will now have been re-adjusted to be exactly at the same height
as your Focus Tool. The purpose of “Setting the Focus Length” is to calibrate AUTOFOCUS
with your Focus Tool so that whether you use AUTOFOCUS or use the Focus Tool, you will
always be putting the Engraving Table at the correct focusing height.
• If you have purchased additional lenses, repeat this procedure for each lens by changing the
“CURRENT LENS” on the display and your focus tool, to the one you are calibrating.
AUTOFOCUS Maintenance:
If the AUTOFOCUS reflector or sensor becomes dirty from engraving smoke, it may
malfunction. A sign of AUTOFOCUS malfunction is upon activation, the table either moves all
the way down to the bottom or all the way up to the top and will try to keep on moving until you
power the machine off. If this did happen, you will need to clean your sensor and reflector and
then perform the AUTOFOCUS adjustment procedure. An indication that the sensor and
reflector are clean is that you will see a little green light appear on the side of the sensor. If you
see both green and red lights, the sensor and/or reflector are dirty or blocked. NOTE: Make
sure that the table is down far enough so that the sensor “sees” the reflector before
assuming that there is a problem.
To clean, dampen a tissue with water and gently wipe across the sensor and reflector in one
direction. Gently wipe again with a dry tissue.