
AC450NX Rack Server System Product Guide
6. Turn on the monitor and server. After the server boots, the speaker emits a single beep and the
recovery process starts—it takes about three minutes. When the recovery process completes,
the speaker emits two beeps.
While in the recovery mode, there is no screen display on the monitor. The keyboard is
disabled as the server automatically recovers the BIOS. The following beep codes describe the
recovery status.
Beep Code Message
1 Recovery process starting.
2 Successful completion, no errors.
4 The server could not boot from the diskette; it may not be bootable.
Continuous series
of low beeps
The wrong BIOS recovery files are being used and/or the flash memory jumper
is in the wrong position.
7. After successful completion of restoring the recovery BIOS, remove the diskette, turn off the
server and monitor, unplug the power cords, and remove the top and right side covers.
8. Move the jumper from J2C1 pins 2(A-B) to pins 2(B-C)—the normal boot mode.
9. Reinstall the covers, and plug in the power cords.
10. After running the special recovery mode, run the SSU to specify a new password. See
Chapter 5, “System Setup Utility: When to Run.”
Updating BMC, FPC, and HCS Firmware
For a copy of the latest BMC, FPC, and HSC firmware releases, contact your dealer or sales
Before you can update the firmware from the firmware update diskettes, you must make them
MS-DOS bootable. You must have MS-DOS version 6.00 (or greater) installed on C:\DOS.
Please review the firmware release notes distributed with the firmware
update package before attempting to update the firmware of any