AC filter and cable
reinstalling, 159
removing, 158
Acoustic noise, 30
Add-in boards, 146
current limitations, 146
installing, 146
ISA, 57, 146, 148
installing, 148
PCI, 57, 146, 148
removing, 149
Agency certification, 285, 286
Back panel, external connectors, 32
Backplanes, peripheral bay, 183
handling cautions, 258
replacing, 259
Setup utility, description, 43
Setup utility, running, 43
special recovery mode, 197
updating, 195
Board management controller, 191
Board set
CPU baseboard, 17
I/O baseboard, 17
I/O riser card, 17
memory module, 17
voltages and currents, 253
brown out feature, 249
Cautions, 132, 137, 143, 146, 156
CD-ROM drive
activity LED, 24
headphone jack, 24
mounting screws, 170
open/close button, 24
removing, 168
replacing, 170
slide rails, 170
volume control, 24
Certifications, 285, 286
CFG files, 58
Connecting peripheral devices, 31
Connectors on CPU baseboard
I/O power section, 204, 229
Connectors on I/O riser card
keyboard and mouse ports, 213
parallel port, 214
serial ports, 213
video port, 215
Connectors on memory module
signal section, 244
Connectors on peripheral bay blindmate board
blind mate, 280
diskette drive, 281
IDE, 282
power, 281
Wide SCSI, 283
Connectors on PHP I/O baseboard
32-bit PCI, 205
64-bit PCI, 206
diskette drive port, 208
F16 bus, 201
front panel, 211
C, 211
IDE port, 210
ISA, 207
legacy, 212
USB port, 212
wide/fast 16-bit SCSI port, 209
connectors, peripheral bay blindmate, 279
board management, 191
diskette drive, 20
front panel, 191
hot-swap, 191
IDE, 190
keyboard/mouse, 20
Symbios 53C896 LVDS, 185
video, 20, 187