9.5.1 Sample Calculations
For example, assume that the operating frequency equals 25 MHz, the desired period of the PWM
output waveform is either 20.48 µs (512 state times) if the divide-by-two prescaler is disabled or
40.96 µs (1,024 state times) if the prescaler is enabled. If PWMx_CONTROL equals 8AH (138
decimal), the pulsewidth is held high for 11.04 µs (and low for 9.44 µs) of the total 20.48 µs pe-
riod, resulting in a duty cycle of approximately 54%. If the prescaler is enabled, the same values
would produce a period of 40.96 µs with the pulsewidth being held high for 22.08 µs (and low for
18.88 µs), for the same duty cycle, approximately 54%.
9.5.2 Enabling the PWM Outputs
Each PWM output is multiplexed with a port pin, so you must configure it as a special-function
output signal before using the PWM function. To do so, follow this sequence:
1. Clear the corresponding bit of P4_DIR (see Table 9-5).
2. Set the corresponding bit of P4_MODE (see Table 9-5).
3. Set or clear the corresponding bit of P4_REG (see Table 9-5).
Table 9-5 shows the alternate port function along with the register setting that selects the PWM
output instead of the port function.
9.5.3 Generating Analog Outputs
The PWM modules can generate a rectangular pulse train that varies in duty cycle and period.
Filtering this output will create a smooth analog signal. To make a signal swing over the desired
analog range, first buffer the signal and then filter it with either a simple RC network or an active
filter. Figure 9-6 is a block diagram of the type of circuit needed to create the smooth analog sig-
Table 9-5. PWM Output Alternate Functions
PWM Output Alternate Port Function PWM Output Enabled When:
PWM0 P4.0 P4_DIR.0 = 0, P4_MODE.0 = 1, P4_REG = X
PWM1 P4.1 P4_DIR.1 = 0, P4_MODE.1 = 1, P4_REG = X
PWM2 P4.2 P4_DIR.2 = 0, P4_MODE.2 = 1, P4_REG = X