Reset State:
The timer 2 control (T2CONTROL) register determines the clock source, counting direction, and count
rate for timer 2.
7 0
CE UD M2 M1 M0 P2 P1 P0
7 CE Counter Enable
This bit enables or disables the timer. From reset, the timers are
disabled and not free running.
0 = disables timer
1 = enables timer
6 UD Up/Down
This bit determines the timer counting direction, in selected modes (see
mode bits, M2:0).
0 = count down
1 = count up
5:3 M2:0 EPA Clock Direction Mode Bits.
These bits determine the timer clocking source and direction source
M2 M1 M0 Clock Source Direction Source
000f/4 UD bit (T2CONTROL.6)
X 0 1 T2CLK pin
UD bit (T2CONTROL.6)
010f/4 T2DIR pin
011T2CLK pin
T2DIR pin
100timer 1 overflow UD bit (T2CONTROL.6)
110timer 1 same as timer 1
1 1 1 quadrature clocking using T2CLK and T2DIR
If an external clock is selected, the timer counts on both the rising and
falling edges of the clock.
2:0 P2:0 EPA Clock Prescaler Bits
These bits determine the clock prescaler value.
P2 P1 P0 Prescaler Resolution
000divide by 1 (disabled) 160 ns
001divide by 2 320 ns
010divide by 4 640 ns
011divide by 8 1.28 µs
100divide by 16 2.56 µs
101divide by 32 5.12 µs
110divide by 64 10.24 µs
111divide by 128 (NU only) 20.48 µs
At f = 25 MHz. Use the formula on page 10-6 to calculate the resolution
at other frequencies.