Forbestresults,bakefoodsononerackat atimeas describedinthismanual. However,
very good resultscan be obtained when baking quantities of foods on multiple racks.
Quantity cooking provides both time and energy savings.
Convec_ Bake is suggested for most multiple rack cooking, especially three rack
cooking,because thecirculating heatedair resultsin moreeven browning. Fortwo rack
cooking,the conventionalbake ovenprovidesvery good baking resultsespecially when
pans can be staggered, such as with layer cakes and fresh pies.
Many foods can be prepared on three racks at the same time. These are just a few
examples: cookies, cupcakes, rons, biscuits, muffins, pies, pizzas, appetizers, and
snack foods.
To obtainthe best results in multiple rack cooking, follow these suggestions:
• Usetemperature andtimes in this manualas a guidefor best results.
• Fortworackbaking,rackpositions#2oand4 are bestfor mostbakedproductsbut
positions#2 and 4 alsoprovideacceptableresults.
• Forthree rackbakingusepositions#1, 3oand 4. One exceptionis pizza.(See p.
• Sincefoodsonpositions#1 and4 willusuallybedonebeforefoodsonposition#3o,
additionalcookingtimewillbe neededfor browningfoodson the middlerack. An
additionalminuteis neededfor thinfoodssuchas cookies. Forfoodssuch as
biscuits,rolls,or muffins,allow1to2 moreminutes.Frozenpiesandpizzas,which
shouldbebaked on a cookiesheet, need about2 to4 moreminutes.
• Staggersmall pans,suchas layercake pans,inthe oven.
• Frozenpiesinshinyaluminumpansshouldbe placedoncookiesheetsand baked
on rack positions #1, 3o and 4.
• Cookiesheets shouldbe placedlengthwise, side toside, in front ofthe fanfor more
even browning.
• Oven mealsare recommendedfor energyconservation. Use rackpositions#1 and
30 or #2o and 4 and Convect Roast.