17. Listenforfan. Afannoiseshouldbeheardduringthebake, convectbake,
convect roast,broil and cleaning cycles. If not, call a serviceman.
OVEN. Heating elements maybe hot eventhough they are dark incolor.
Interior surfaces of anyoven become hotenough tocause burns. During
and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials
contact heatingelements or interiorsurfaces ofoven untilthey have had
sufficienttime to cool. Other surfaces of the appliance may become hot
enough to cause burns-among these surfaces are: ovenvent openings
and surfaces nearthese openings, oven doors, windowsof oven doors.
19. PREPARED FOODWARNING: Followfood manufacturer's instructions.
Ifa plasticfrozen food container and/or its film cover distorts, warps or is
otherwisedamaged during cooking, immediately discardthe food and its
container. The food could be contaminated.
20. This appliance has beentested for safe performance using conventional
cookware. Donot useany devices or accessoriesthat are notspecificatly
recommended in this manual. Do not use add-on convection systems.
The use of devicesor accessories that are not expressly recommended
in this manualcould create serious safety hazards, resultin performance
problems, and reduce the life of the components of the appliance.
21. Do not allow aluminum foil to contact heating element.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
(Proposition 65) requires the Governor of California to publish a list of
substances known to the State of Californiato cause cancer or reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potentialexposures to
such substances. Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when the
oven is engaged inthe self-cleancycle,there maybe some low levelexposure
to some of the listed substances, including Carbon Monoxide. Exposure to
these substances can be minimized by properly venting the oven to the
outdoors during the self-clean cycle.