Carpeted stairs suction
need to be Control
vacuumed regularly. _
For best cleaning
results, use HIGH
setting on electronic
suction control.
NOTE: Be sure r----7
the mechanical
suction control
located on the
handle is closed
for maximum
cleaning powe_ I 1 _
Personal Injury Hazard
Use care if canister is placed on stairsĀ°
It may fall, causing personal injury or
property damage.
Product Damage Hazard
Do not pull on the hose to move the
canister from one stair to the next.
When finished cleaning in one area use
the handle grip on the canister to move
the vacuum cleaner to a new location
for further cleaning.
The stair grip located
on the caster will aid
in preventing the
canister from
slipping when used
on stairs (see
NOTE'. Be sure the canister is resting
securely on the stairs and the caster is in a
locked position before using,
For best cleaning results, keep the
airflow passage open Check each
assembly area in REMOVING CLOGS
occasionally for clogs_ Turn off and
unplug vacuum cleaner from outlet
before checking.
For best deep down cleaning, use the XLO
setting, However, you may need to raise the
height to make some jobs easier, such as
scatter rugs and some deep pile carpets,
and to prevent the vacuum cleaner from
shutting off, Suggested settings are:
HI - Shag, deep pile, or scatter rugs,.
MED - Medium to deep pile,,
LO - Low to medium pile,
XLO - Most carpets and bare floors,,