Constantgreen Eighton 1. Dirt passage is dogged t Check for clogsin air passages.
in dirt sensor, 2. Lenses ere dirty 2, Clean lenses,,
No green or red dirt 1o Switch not in CARPET position,, 1, Move swilch to CARPET position
sensor lights, 2, No power to sensor board. 2. Take to your nearest Sears Service
CHECK BAG Indicator
Vacuum cleaner picks
up moveable rugs -or-
PowerMate pushes too
Red light for BELT
RESET (overload
protector) is lit on the
Cord won't rewind°
Vacuum cleaner leaves
marks on carpet,
1,, Full or clogged dust bag
2,, Didy filters
3,, Blocked airflow passage
4_ Certain attachmenI tools
I, Wrong pile height setting
2, Suction too strong
1, Change bag
2, Change filters
3, Clear blockage from airflow passage
4, This is normal Light should go off
when tool isremoved
1, Adjust setting.
2 Select lower Power Level
!, Tripped overload protector in 1. Remove any items thatmay be
PowerMate. caught or jammed, then reset. If
vacuum cleaner starts and stops
again, clean agitator and end caps.
then reset
Io Dirty power cord 1. Clean the power cord
2., Cord jammed 2. Pullout cord and rewind
1., Wrong vacuuming pattern 1, See VACUUMING TIPS