Pattern indicator Screen Pattern Selection Buttons
i i s_.s=rs_=7= f
(0 ~ 9}
This two digit indicator screen lights
up to show what stitch pattern you are
When you turn on your
machine, the indicator will
automatically show the
straight stitch _..
To Select a Stitch Pattern:
t. Press two numbers to indicate
which pattern you want to use.
2. The numbers will show on the
pattern indicator screen.
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You use these buttons to select a stitch pattern. They run from 0 to 9.
You want to use decorative stitch [] .
1. Press [] , A number 4 and a flashing line will appear on the
pattern indicator screen.
2. Press _-_
You have selected stitch pattern []
NOTE: If you select numbers not on the stitch pattern chart (See inside
machine top cover and p. 45 to 49 }, the machine will blink until you
select numbers on the chart.