Buttonholes [] _ [] iContinued)
• Adjust the Stitch Density
You can adjust the stitch density of the entire
buttonhole or of only one sLde.
The stitch length button controts the stitch
dens=ty. It is pre-set at "0.4"
Set the Machine
Fine Coarse
stitches st itches
Stitch Density in Entire Buttonhole:
Press "+" or "-" to adjust the stitch density ot
the entire buttonhole.
Stitch Density on One Side:
The stitches on each side of the buttonhole should
be the same stltch density. To adjust, use the feed
balance dial below the Hand Wheel.
For Condition A:
Left Side Stitches too Far Apart
(see above)
Turn the feed balance dial slightly
toward "--" Use the large screw
driver in your accessory box.
For Condition B:
Right Side Stitches too
isee above)
Turn the feed balance dial
toward "+"
After adjusting the feed balance dial, sew another test buttonhole to be sure
your adjustment _scorrect,
NOTE: Remember to turn the feed balance dial to the standard mark
( P, ) when you have completed your buttonholes.
Far Apart