Stitch Hemming
Choose Stitch Pattern 7 and attach Foot G.
,_) G: Blind hem i_oot
On heavy weight fabrics that ravel, the raw edge
should be overcast first.
Then fold the hem as illustrated.
(_) Wrong side of fabric
(3_ 0.4-0.7 cm (1/4"-7/16")
(_ Light weight fabric
Heavy weight fabric
To sew:
Position the fabric on the machine so that the
needle just pierces the folded parr of the fabric
when the needle comes over to the extreme left
side. Lower the presser foot.
(_) When the needle comes to the left
(_) When the needle comes to the right
Sew, guiding the folded edge along the guide.
For a professional looking hem, fold the fabric
reducing the width to about 0.2 cm (118 ").
As you sew, the right hand stitch will fall offthe
fabric edge forming a chain stitch.
(_) Guide
• Changing Needle Position
Turn the sliding guide screw so that the sliding guide is
very close 0.1 cm (1/16") to the left side of the blind
hem foot.
_) Needle
Guide screw
(_) Sliding guide
(_ Most left needle position
(_ Most right needle position
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