
Knit Stitch
This knit stitch is ideal for sewing swimwear and
stretch velour because it provides the greatest amount
of elasticity and streElgth.
Place your fabric to allow a 1.5 cm (5/8") seam.
]'rim the seam allowance aftct sewing.
Be careful nor to cut the stitches.
@ A: Zigzag foot
In this type of applique, raw edges are folded under.
To finish the raw edge, first cut the applique design out
of cardboard.
Fuse a lightweight interfacing to the wrong side of the
fabric, then cut the fabric slightly larger than the
Fold the fabric around the cardboard and press to form
a perfectly shaped design.
Tape the applique in place and sew, guiding the slit on
Foot F next to the finished edge of the applique.
F: Satin stitch foot
(_) Pressure dial
(_) Slit
Shell Stitch _]
Use a lightweight fabric such as tricot.
Fold and stitch on the bias.
Set the stitch width and length as you desire.
You may need to tighten the top thread slightly.
Allow the needle to just dear the folded edge of the
fabric when it zigzags.
If you sew rows of shell stitches, space the rows 1.5 cm
(5/8 ") apart.
You can sew shell stitches on knits or soft silky wovens
in any direction.
(D F: Satinstitch foot
(_) Threadtension