
A-61133 March 2003 A-7
Film leader — M-type
When using an M-type magazine, a 31.5 in. (800 mm) leader must be
affixed to the film. The following criteria should also be met:
The leader must be square to the attached film.
The first film images should not be closer than 16 in. (400 mm) from
the leader-film splice location.
The leader must be clean and in good condition (free of creases,
burrs, bends, etc.).
Only transparent leader tapes can be used.
Film trailer — ANSI
When using an ANSI magazine, use a trailer end holder to fix the film
end to the supply reel. The following criteria should also be met.
Be sure to wind the film onto the supply reel in the correct direction.
The film trailer must contain no images and must be at least 18 in.
(450 mm) long as measured from the supply reel to the last image
on the film.