
2-38 A-61133 March 2003
Border choose one of the following options:
Leave: keeps the border around the image.
Auto crop: removes the border from around the image.
Border remove: removes the border from around the image but
does not reduce the scanned image file size.
Border remove works best with images that have proper exposure
and a reasonable space between images. Do not use Border
remove with light images.
NOTE: When using Border remove or Auto crop, the entire
image (all borders) must be visible in the image area so
the image can be properly processed.
Film Polarity select the following option:
Negative: if the film image is a black background and a clear
Positive: if the film image is a clear background and a black
Film Image Quality used with bi-tonal or gray scale output to
improve readability of images from a film that is too light or too dark. It
can also improve low contrast images. This feature widens the range
between the lightest and darkest pixel in the image. Select one of the
following options if desired:
No Adjustment: no enhancement.
Light Film: if film is light, it makes the dark areas darker.
Normal Film: if film has the correct exposure but low contrast, this
option adds contrast to the image.
Dark Film: if the film is dark, it lightens the background and other
areas that should be lighter.
Mirror this option is used when a roll of film has been wound
incorrectly on the reel and the image appears as if it were being viewed
in a mirror and is “reverse-reading”. Check this option if you want the
image to appear right-reading.
Auto Deskew automatically straightens the displayed image. When
Auto Deskew is enabled, Auto crop will also be enabled.