POST beep codes
A beep code is a combination of short or long beeps or series of short beeps that
are separated by pauses. For example, a “1-2-3” beep code is one short beep, a
pause, two short beeps, and pause, and three short beeps. A beep code indicates
that POST has detected a problem.
The following table describes the beep codes and suggested actions to correct the
detected problems.
A single problem might cause more than one error message. When this occurs,
correct the cause of the first error message. The other error messages usually will
not occur the next time POST runs.
Exception: If multiple error codes indicate a microprocessor error, the error might
be in a microprocessor or in a microprocessor socket. See “Microprocessor
problems” on page 153 for information about diagnosing microprocessor problems.
v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem
is solved.
v See Chapter 3, “Parts listing, ThinkServer TS100 Machine Types 6431, 6432, 6433, and 6434,” on page 37
to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field
replaceable units (FRU).
v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a
trained service technician.
Beep code Description Action
One short beep Indicates successful completion of
POST, with no errors.
1-1-3 CMOS write/read test failed.
1. Reseat the battery.
2. Clear CMOS. See “System board jumpers”
on page 14 for information about how to
clear CMOS.
3. Replace the following components one at a
time, in the order shown, restarting the
server each time:
a. Battery
b. (Trained service technician only) System
1-1-4 BIOS ROM checksum failed.
1. Recover the BIOS code.
2. (Trained service technician only) Replace
the system board.
1-2-1 Programmable interval timer failed. (Trained service technician only) Replace the
system board.
1-2-2 DMA initialization failed. (Trained service technician only) Replace the
system board.
1-2-3 DMA page register write/read failed. (Trained service technician only) Replace the
system board.
130 ThinkServer TS100 Types 6431, 6432, 6433, and 6434: Hardware Maintenance Manual