v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem
is solved.
v See Chapter 3, “Parts listing, ThinkServer TS100 Machine Types 6431, 6432, 6433, and 6434,” on page 37
to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field
replaceable units (FRU).
v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a
trained service technician.
Error code Description Action
1805 PCI option ROM checksum error.
1. Remove the failing adapter.
2. Reseat each adapter.
3. Replace the following components one at a time,
in the order shown, restarting the server each
a. Failing PCI or PCI Express adapter
b. (Trained service technician only) System
1806 PCI built in self-test failure.
1. If the error code indicates a particular PCI or
PCI-Express slot or device, remove that device.
2. Reseat the following components:
a. Each adapter
b. (Trained service technician only, if the
specified board is a FRU) The board that is
indicated in the error code. (See Chapter 3,
“Parts listing, ThinkServer TS100 Machine
Types 6431, 6432, 6433, and 6434,” on page
37 to determine CRU or FRU status.)
3. Replace the components listed in step 2 one at a
time, in the order shown, restarting the server
each time.
1807 General PCI error.
1. Make sure that no devices have been disabled in
the Configuration/Setup Utility program.
2. Replace each adapter one at a time, restarting
the server each time.
Chapter 5. Diagnostics 141