v Read the Safety information on page vii.
v Read the “Installation guidelines” on page 29.
To replace damaged or contaminated thermal grease on the microprocessor and
fan sink, complete the following steps:
1. Place the fan sink on a clean work surface.
2. Remove the cleaning pad from its package and unfold it completely.
3. Use the cleaning pad to wipe the thermal grease from the bottom of the fan
Note: Make sure that all of the thermal grease is removed.
4. Use a clean area of the cleaning pad to wipe the thermal grease from the
microprocessor; then, dispose of the cleaning pad after all of the thermal grease
is removed.
5. Use the thermal-grease syringe to place 9 uniformly spaced dots of 0.02 mL
each on the top of the microprocessor. The outermost dots must be within
approximately 5 mm of the edge of the microprocessor, this is to ensure uniform
distribution of the grease.
Note: If the grease is properly applied, approximately half of the grease will
remain in the syringe.
6. Install the fan sink onto the microprocessor as described in “Installing a
microprocessor and fan sink” on page 101.
Chapter 6. Installing and replacing customer replaceable units 103