v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem
is solved.
v See the ″Parts Listing″ section in the Hardware Maintenance Manual to determine which components are
customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a
trained service technician.
Error code Description Action
305000A RTC date/time is incorrect
1. Adjust the date and time settings in the Setup
utility, and then restart the server.
2. Reseat the battery.
3. Replace the following components one at a time,
in the order shown, restarting the server each
a. Battery
b. (Trained service technician only) System
3058001 System configuration invalid
1. Run the Setup utility, and select Save Settings.
2. Run the Setup utility, select Load Default
Settings, and save the settings.
3. Reseat the following components one at a time in
the order shown, restarting the server each time:
a. Battery
b. Failing device (if the device is a FRU, it must
be reseated by a trained service technician
4. Replace the following components one at a time,
in the order shown, restarting the server each
a. Battery
b. Failing device (if the device is a FRU, it must
be replaced by a trained service technician
c. (Trained service technician only) System
3058004 Three boot failures
1. Undo any recent system changes, such as new
settings or newly installed devices.
2. Make sure that the server is attached to a reliable
power source.
3. Remove all hardware that is not listed on the
ServerProven Web site.
4. Make sure that the operating system is not
5. Run the Setup utility, save the configuration, and
then restart the server.
3108007 System configuration restored to default
Information only. This is message is usually
associated with the CMOS battery clear event.
3138002 Boot configuration error
1. Remove any recent configuration changes that
you made in the Setup utility.
2. Run the Setup utility, select Load Default
Settings, and save the settings.
150 ThinkServer TS200 Types 6522, 6523, 6524, 6525, 6526, 6528, 6529, and 6530: Installation and User Guide