Document version 1.0 Page 10 9/1/2004
The taskbar contains a start button typically in the lower left corner, with the task bar running along the
bottom of the screen. To the right of the start button are a number of quick launch icons for applications.
Right click anywhere in the quick launch portion of the taskbar, that is not on an icon. A pop-up menu
appears. Select view, then large. This increases the size of the quick launch icons.
5. Change Application user interface feature sizes.
Some applications, such as MS Office, Lotus Suite, and others allow icon sizes and other features to be
changed through user preferences dialog. If possible, choose large icons for each application. For some
applications, standard accessibility options provide an easy path to increasing icon size.
1. Increase System Scaling Size (called Font Size).
Right click on the desktop background, and select properties to bring up the display properties window.
(The display properties window can also be launched by sequentially selecting start/settings/control
panel/display.) In sequence, select settings/advanced/general/DPI setting/custom setting. Set the custom
DPI setting to 213%, by typing in this number in the highlighted box. Click OK as necessary in the
following pop-up boxes, exit out of display properties dialog, and reboot. (It is necessary to reboot at this
point because the following steps depend upon the DPI setting.)
2. Change Windows Feature Sizes.
For WinXP, many user appearance settings change automatically when the DPI setting is changed. This
includes mouse pointer size. If you prefer an even larger mouse pointer, click on start, control panel,
mouse icon, pointers, scheme, and set to Magnified (system scheme) or another preferred choice. Here
are the default settings XP provides with DPI setting to 213% (204 ppi).
Item Size Font Size Font
Active Title Bar 38 8 Tahoma
Active Window Border 2
Caption Buttons 38
Icon 50 8 Tahoma
Icon Spacing Horizontal 101
Icon Spacing Vertical 101
Inactive Title Bar 38 8 Tahoma
Inactive Window Border 2
Menu 38 8 Tahoma
Message Box 8 Tahoma
Palette Title 32 8 Tahoma
Scroll Bar 34
Selected Items 38 8 Tahoma
Tooltip 8 Tahoma
3. Change Application user interface feature sizes.
Some applications, such as MS Office, Lotus Suite, and others allow icon sizes and other features to be
changed through user preferences dialog. If possible, choose large icons for each application. For some
applications, standard accessibility options provide an easy path to increasing icon size.
Application dependent features