Document version 1.0 Page 9 9/1/2004
GUI & application optimization (Windows)
The very high resolution of the T221 means that features of the graphical user interface (GUI), such as
icons & fonts, become smaller. These can be adjusted through the 'display properties' window as per the
following instructions.
Note: Many of these settings are subjective, and some users may prefer values different than those
suggested here. Also, after these settings have been made, some application programs and system
dialog boxes may still not be scaled properly. For information concerning operating system graphical user
interface scaling features available to application developers, please contact Microsoft.
1. Increase System Scaling Size (called Font Size)
Right click on the desktop background, and select properties to bring up the display properties window.
(The display properties window can also be launched by sequentially selecting start/settings/control
panel/display.) In sequence, select settings/advanced/general/font size/other. Set the font percentage to
213%, by typing in this number in the highlighted box. Click OK as necessary in the following pop-up
boxes and reboot. (It is necessary to reboot at this point because the following steps depend upon the
font setting.)
2. Increase Mouse Pointer Sizes
Launch Control Panel by sequentially selecting start/settings/control panel. Click on the mouse icon, then
select in sequence
Pointers/Scheme. Select Magnified from the list and click on OK.
3. Change other Windows Feature Sizes
As in step 1, launch Display Properties window, and select Appearance. Select the following items and
make changes according to the table. You will have to click on apply for each entry individually.
Item Size Font Size Font
Active Title Bar 36 8 MS Sans Serif
Active Window Border 1
Caption Button 36
Icon 50 8 MS Sans Serif
Icon Spacing Horizontal 95
Icon Spacing Vertical 95
Inactive Title Bar 36 8 MS Sans Serif
Inactive Window Border 1
Menu 31 8 MS Sans Serif
Message Box 8 MS Sans Serif
Palette Title 31 8 MS Sans Serif
Scroll Bar 24
Selected Items 31 8 MS Sans Serif
Tooltip 8 MS Sans Serif
4. Change taskbar icon sizes.