All Lewmar Hatches and Portlights (except old Standard) produced since October 1997 have had
identification information stamped on the acrylic. On Portlights and Fixedlights the information is under
the αβχδ branding. On hatches the information is between the right hand handle and the edge of the
The information is:-
1) Range Name & Hatch Size
For Hatches; Ocean, Coastline, Trimport, Trimline or Concept
For Portlights; Standard (New Standard only), Atlantic, Ocean or ASTAR (Hallberg Rassy only)
A number in the form "399SSXR" for example 3996003 where:-
SS is the hatch size, in the example Size 60
X is the acrylic colour as per Table X in the spares book, in the example 0 for grey
R is the Range, 3 is Low Profile, as in the example, and 2 is Medium Profile
On Mark 2 Low & Medium Profile hatches the number is preceded by and “A” for example
A number in the form "300XXX" for example 300380. This is the first 6 digits of a hatch or
portlight custom product part number, in this case it would be 300380000
3) The date
In the from "DDMY" for example 11J7 where;-
11 is the eleventh day of the month
J is the month of September
7 is the year 1997, the year 2000 will be 0.
The letter code for the month is:-
A = January G = July
B = February H = August
C = March J = September
D = April K = October
E= May L = November
F= June M = December
The letter I "India" is not used
Box Label
The bar code label on the box also contains a date code in the form 9739 where:-
97 is the year
39 is the week of the year
White Sticky Label On Alloy Frame
The white sticky label is from our anodising sub-contractors. It is in the form "100E 5", where:-
100 is the 100th day of the year
E is the year 1997 (1998 will be F)
5 is an code for additional production information
Date Code Stamped Into Alloy Frame
The Lewmar date code is stamped under the lid extrusion and is in the same form as the date code
outlined above for the acrylic stamping