
Trimport Hatch
(also known as Coastline sizes 00 to 24, 33, 41 and 61)
Build Dates : The Trimport hatch was made from 1991 until 2000 (check Hatch Identification Table
for ranges with overlapping production dates).
Identification : The lids open smoothly with Friction Levers for support. These features are shared
with the Ocean hatch but the Ocean is at least 40mm high of the deck. The Trimport
is only 20mm.
Notes : Early Trimport hatches had a Trimline type stainless steel stay with a friction slider in
the lower frame to hold the hatch open. Later Trimports used the small friction lever.
Instructions : Fitting & Adjustment B4050 Iss B (2 pages)
Retro Fit Lock & Key B5677-B & C
Spares Kits Mk.1 & 2 Common Parts :
Catch blocks B5520-2
Seal Kits B5540-1
Hinge Pins B5541-1
Handles B5668-3
Spares Kits Mk.1 (with stay) :
Lower Frames (stay version) B5543-3
Stay Kits Sz 03,05,11,41 & 23 B5560-1
Stay Kits Sz 52 & 61 B5563-2
Lids (stay version) B5565-2
Spares Kits Mk.2 (with friction lever) :
Lower Frames (friction lever version) B5575-3
Small Friction Levers B5675-2
Lids (friction lever version) B5585-2
Accessories : Retro Fit Lock & Key Kit B5677-3
Inside Handle Both Sides Kit B5966-B
Trims & Flyscreens