
4.3.2 Default Codepage
This option defines the default code page with the appropriate character set to be used.
Values are in alphabetical order. The panel will display code page options beginning
with the letters A - E, then F – K, and L - Z. Select the appropriate path to reach the
desired code page.
Codepages A – E Codepages F – K Codepages L – Z
Arabic 420 Fin/Sweden 278 Latin 0 924
ASCII 367 Fin/Sweden 1143 Latin 2 870
Aus/Ger 273 Fin/Swe Alt 288 Latin 2 1110
Aus/Ger 1141 France 297 Latin 4 1069
Aus/Ger Alt 286 France 1147 OCR-A 892
Baltic 1112 Greek 423 OCR-B 893
Belgium 274 Greek 875 PC std 437
Brazil 275 Hebrew 424 Portugal 037
Can. French 260 Hebrew 803 Portugal 282
Can. French 276 Iceland 871 Publishing 361
Cyrillic 880 Iceland 1149 Spain/L. Am 284
Cyrillic 1025 Int. Set 5 500* Spain/L. Am 1145
Den/Nor 277 Int. Set 5 1148 Spain Alt 289
Den/Nor 1142 Italy 280 Turkish
Den/Nor Alt 287 Italy 1144 Turkish
Estonian 1122 Japan (Eng) 281 UK 285
UK 1146
USA/Canada 037
USA/Canada 1140
Supports international language Latin 5.
Note: Code pages 1140 – 1149 support the euro symbol. They are only available
on IPDS code level 8223 and above.
IPDS code levels below 8223 have only two code page groups.
4.3.3 Codepage Version
This option determines which version of a code page is used. Some of the code pages
are available in two versions. Some characters differ between the two versions of the
same code page. If characters print differently than those entered on the keyboard,
check the code page version.
Version 1* Use version 1 of appropriate code pages.
Version 0 Use version 0 of appropriate code pages.