Parallel Port Test
This test requires a parallel port wrap plug. Install the wrap plug in
the parallel port before you start the test. This test performs a wrap-
around test between the printer parallel port and the parallel port
test connector. If the test is successful, the top two lights and bottom
two lights blink alternately. If the test is not successful, only the bot-
tom two lights will blink.
Initialize Nvram
Use this procedure to reset the error log portion of NVRAM. The
paper sensor must be open to perform this function. To do this, place
a piece of paper in the manual paper feed slot before you turn the
machine on. Except for bi-directional alignment settings, all user set-
tings and defaults will not be reset. Resetting the error log allows you
to track new errors. The error log is especially helpful in diagnosing
intermittent or difficult problems. Check the bi-directional alignment
after you do this procedure.