
Solving color quality problems
Solving color quality problems
This section helps answer some basic color-related questions and describes how some of the features provided in the
Quality Menu can be used to solve typical color problems.
Note: See the quick reference page entitled “Print quality and troubleshooting guide” which provides
solutions for common print quality problems, some of which may affect the color quality of the printed
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about color printing
What is RGB color?
Red, green, and blue light can be added together in various amounts to produce a large range of colors observed in nature.
For example, red and green light can be combined to create yellow light. Televisions and computer monitors create colors
in this manner. RGB color is a method of describing colors by indicating the amount of red, green, and blue light needed to
reproduce a particular color.
What is CMYK color?
Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks or toners can be printed in various amounts to produce a large range of colors
observed in nature. For example, cyan and yellow can be combined to create green. Printing presses, inkjet printers, and
color laser printers create colors in this manner. CMYK color is a method of describing colors by indicating the amount of
cyan, magenta, yellow, and black needed to reproduce a particular color.
How is color specified in a document to be printed?
Software applications typically specify document color using RGB or CMYK color combinations. Additionally, they
commonly let users modify the color of each object in a document. Since the procedures to modify colors vary depending
on the application, see the software application Help section for instruction.
How does the printer know what color to print?
When a user prints a document, information describing the type and color of each object in the document is sent to the
printer. The color information is passed through color conversion tables that translate the color into appropriate amounts of
cyan, magenta, yellow, and black toner needed to produce the desired color. The object type information lets different color
conversion tables be used for different types of objects. For example, it is possible to apply one type of color conversion
table to text while applying a different color conversion table to photographic images.
Solid color pages The print cartridges are
Your printer requires servicing.
Replace the print cartridge that corresponds to
the color displayed on the control panel.
Call for service.
The paper curls badly
once it prints and exits to
a bin.
The Type, Texture, and Weight
settings are not appropriate for
the type of paper or specialty
media you are using.
The paper has been stored in a
high humidity environment.
Change Paper Type, Paper Texture, and Paper
Weight to match the paper or specialty media
loaded in the printer.
Load paper from a fresh package.
Store paper in its original wrapper until you use it.
For more information, see Storing paper.
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