Recommended photoconductor units and part numbers
Part name Part number
Photoconductor unit
• Black
• Cyan
• Magenta
• Yellow
CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) Photoconductor Kit
Note: CMY photoconductor units may reach end of life all at
the same time.
Ordering a waste toner bottle
When 82.xx Waste toner bottle nearly full appears, order a replacement waste toner bottle.
When 82.xx Replace waste toner bottle appears, replace the waste toner bottle.
Note: Waste toner bottle reuse is not recommended.
Part name Part number
Waste toner bottle C950X76G
Ordering staple cartridges
When Staples Low or Staples Empty appears, order the specified staple cartridge.
For more information, see the illustrations inside the stapler door.
Part name Part number
Staple Cartridges‑‑3 pack (Staples G5) 25A0013
Advanced Booklet Staples (Staples G11 and Staples G12) 21Z0357
Ordering a maintenance kit
When [x] Maintenance Kit appears on the printer display, order the indicated maintenance kit to replace the
worn parts. All maintenance kit parts except that in the 480K maintenance kit are designed to be user‑replaceable. The
kits come with instructions.
Recommended maintenance kits and part numbers
Maintenance kit Service part number
160K Maintenance Kit 40X7540
320K (100 V) Maintenance Kit 40X7568
320K (110 V) Maintenance Kit 40X7550
320K (220 V) Maintenance Kit 40X7569
Maintaining the printer 165