Parallel Interface
Use the Lexmark 3.04 m (10 ft) parallel cable part number 1329605, Lexmark 6.1 m
(20 ft) parallel cable part number 1427498, or a cable that is IEEE 1284 compliant, to
connect your printer to a personal computer or to a host system with a Centronics-
compatible parallel port. Use the Lexmark 1.83 m (6 ft) parallel cable, part number
11K4078, to connect your printer to a personal computer or to a host system with a
Centronics-compatible parallel port using an optional parallel connector, which is
available by installing an RS-232C Serial/Parallel 1284-C Interface Card. Refer to your
printer user documentation for the location of the printer parallel connector.
Note: To reset your printer with an INIT* signal, set
Honor Init to On from the printer
operator panel or through MarkVision Professional. Refer to your printer user
documentation for more information.
Your printer can communicate with a computer across the parallel interface in three
Computer to Printer
This is typically how a computer and printer communicate. When the printer is
receiving data from the computer, it can use either Standard or Fastbytes protocol.
The burst transfer rate in Fastbytes is faster than in Standard protocol. For best
throughput, use Fastbytes protocol.
Printer to Computer (Advanced Status)
Your printer can send data to the computer. This capability lets the printer send status
messages to the computer on the parallel interface.
Parallel Modes 1 and 2
These are printer features that enhance reliability of data transfer from the host
computer to the printer. See “Parallel Mode 1” on page 8-18 and “Parallel Mode 2” on
page 8-19 for more information.