There are four possible parity settings: Odd, Even, None, and Ignore.
Odd The port expects to receive data frames with an odd number of logical
1’s per byte. The printer transmits XOFF and XON with odd parity. If the
printer detects a parity error, the port sends X'5F' to the printer instead
of the character sent by the host system.
Even The port expects to receive data frames with an even number of logical
1’s per byte. The port transmits XOFF and XON with even parity. If the
port detects a parity error, the port sends an inverted question mark to
the printer instead of the character sent by the host system.
None The port expects no parity bit when it receives data. The port transmits
XON and XOFF without parity bits.
Ignore The port expects a parity bit when the port receives a data frame. The
port ignores the parity bit. The port uses even parity when it transmits
Some printers post a
54 Standard Serial Error or a 54 Serial Option x Error (x represents
the number of the serial port) the first time they detect a transmission error (parity,
overrun, or framing). The
54 Standard Serial Error or the 54 Serial Option x Error can be
reset from your printer operator panel or through MarkVision Professional. Refer to
your printer user documentation for more information.
If repeated serial errors occur, power the printer off and back on to restore proper
serial operation.
Data Flow Control Protocol
One data flow control protocol is available: XON/XOFF with programmable polarity.
Refer to your printer user documentation for more information about selecting the
protocol from your printer operator panel or through MarkVision Professional.