Peripheral Devices
Peripheral Devices
LXE hand-heldand vehicle mount devices have ports forthe attachment of peripheral devices. A peripheral device might be a
barcode decoder, a barcodeprinter, a keyboard, a mouse or amonitor.
If the peripheral device does not have its own powersource, andis designed to draw powerfrom yourMX7 battery, be aware
that the way you use the peripheral device affects the drain onyour battery. Peripheral devices affect your battery life in the
following ways:
l The number of peripheral devices you use affects thedrain on your batteries.
l The length of time you use peripheral devices affects the drain on your batteries. Using aperipheral device for 6hours
per shift drains yourbatteries more than using aperipheral device for 4hours per shift.
l Scanning bad barcode labels with your barcodedecodercan increase thedrain on yourbatteries significantly. You
should ensurethat your barcode labels are in good conditionto prevent unnecessary drain.
l Using a heater, if installed, greatly reduces battery life.
Wireless Bluetooth peripherals have their own power source.
Maintenance Routine
Managing yourbatteries with a battery maintenance routine is intended to ensure:
l Youget as much battery life as you can.
l Youneed fewer batteries per shift.
l Every shift has fully chargedbatteries.
l There is a battery slot on the charger for each battery at the endof every shift.
l All unused batteries are placedin a charger at theend of every shift.
l The mobile device’s backupbattery has sufficient capacity to maintain the device, if the main battery fails, until a fully
charged mainbattery canbe installed.
As with all batteries, expect to see areduction in the total numberof operations afully chargedbattery pack can deliver as it
ages. When the battery reaches end-of-life, it must be replaced.
Note: It is not necessary to place unused sparebatteries in chargers; lay the battery pack contact-side up in aprotected
Label the Batteries
Label batteries with an identification number, symbol, or color. Base the identification scheme on the type of equipment that
uses the battery, the type of battery (NiCd, Li-Ion)and, if necessary, the specific charger/analyzer that accepts the battery
The outsideof the battery charger/analyzer may look the same, but the internal programmingand algorithms, as well as the
chargercup configuration, are the factors that determine the type of battery that can be maintained ineach particular battery
Place a blank label, such as a mailing label, on the battery for recording the date and capacity reading (sparebatteries too). Do
not cover thebattery’s charging terminals with thelabel. Record on thebattery thedate and capacity reading each time it is
analyzed, if possible.
Note: Youmay use a log sheet instead of a label for tracking capacity readings. However, the labels ensurethat the
necessary information concerning each battery is always with that battery.
Analysis Scheduling
Periodically check the battery mAh rating against the manufacturer’s optimum mAh rating to determine the condition of the
battery. Charger/Analyzers with LED screens display the last measured capacity of the battery during several mode or function
E-EQ-MX7CHGROG-E-ARC [ 15 ] MX7 Battery Multi-Charger/AnalyzerUser Guide