
Otherwise it may be released after one minute or lock this LINE permanently.
The tone table parameters are shown as follows.
LowFreq 480 : Low frequency is 480 HZ
HighFreq 620 : High frequency is 620 HZ
LowFreqLevel 8 : Low frequency level received range from PSTN/PBX
HighFreqLevel 8 : High frequency level received range from PSTN/PBX
TOn1 50 : Disconnect tone cadence ON time is 0.5 seconds
TOff1 50 : Disconnect tone cadence OFF time is 0.5 seconds
( If this is continuous tone, the Toff has to set to 1023 )
TOn2 1023 : Disconnect tone second cycle cadence ON time is OFF
TOff2 1023 :Disconnect tone second cycle cadence OFF time is OFF
( If the tone cadence has only one cycle, the second cycle must set to 1023 )
(1) Examples how to configure Tone table
a. 480/620 frequency with ON/OFF time is 0.5 seconds
tone -busy1 480 620 8 8 50 50 1023 1023
b. 480 HZ single frequency with continuous tone
tone –reorder2 480 0 8 0 50 1023 1023 1023
(2) There are two ways to analyze the disconnect tone.
a. The first one is using command “greetrd” from VoIP FXO gateway. Once
you follow the instruction to analyze the disconnect tone, gateway will
configure the tone table (Busy tone 1, Busy tone 2, reorder tone 1 and
reorder tone 2 ) with proper frequency and default tone level and cadence
(Ton1/Toff1) automatically. Or you may read the analysis tone frequency
from command line and configure to one of tone table manually.
The default tone level is set to 8. And the tone cadence (Ton1/Toff1) is set
to four different values on tone table. They are 0.1 second, 0.25 seconds,
0.5 seconds and 0.75 seconds with parameters 10/10, 25/25, 50/50 and
If the PBX/PSTN cadence is not the value as default shown as above, you
need to use the following instruction to analyze ON/OFF intervals.
b. You may use your PC (START Æ Program Files Æ Accessories Æ
Multimedia Æ Recorder) with Headset or Microphone to record the
disconnect tone via a telephone set from PSTN/PBX and save to a voice
file. Then you can use “CoolEdit Pro” software to analyze the frequency
and ON/OFF time. Please visit http://www.cooledit.com to download demo
version for analysis. You can use this program to analyze ON/OFF time
and fill in to tone table.
4.3 Adjust Tone Table parameters manually
If the gateway still cannot release the LINE port in two seconds, try to adjust
the frequency by 1 hz on tone table. For example, your analysis value is