usr/config$ voice
Voice codec setting information and configuration
voice [-send [G723 ms] [G711A ms] [G711U ms] [G729A ms] ]
[-volume [voice level] [input level] [dtmf level]] [-nscng G723 used]
[-echo used] [-mindelay t1] [-maxdelay t2] [-optfactor f]
voice -print
voice -priority [G723] [G711A] [G711U] [G729A]
-print Display voice codec information and configuration.
-send Specify sending packet size.
G.723 (30/60 ms)
G.711A (20/40/60 ms)
G.711U (20/40/60 ms)
G.729A (20/40/60 ms)
-priority Priority preference of installed codecs.
-volume Specify the following levels:
voice volume (0~63, default: 28),
input gain (0~63, default: 28),
dtmf volume (0~31, default: 23),
-nscng No sound compression and CNG. (G.723.1 only, On=1, Off=0).
-echo Setting of echo canceller. (On=1, Off=0, per port basis).
-mindelay Setting of jitter buffer min delay. (0~150, default: 100).
-maxdelay Setting of jitter buffer max delay. (0~150, default: 150).
voice -send g723 60 g711a 60 g711u 60 g729a 60
voice -volume voice 20 input 32 dtmf 27
voice -echo 1 1
Parameters Usage:
-print print current voice information and configurations.
-send to define packet size for each codec. 20/40/60ms means to send
a voice packet per 20/40/60 milliseconds. The smaller the
packet size, the shorter the delay time. If network is in good
condition, smaller packet size is recommended. In this
parameter, 20/40/60ms is applicable to G.711u/a law, and
G.729a codec, while 30/60ms is applicable to G.723.1 codec.
-priority codec priority while negotiating with other h323 device. This
parameter determines the listed sequence in h.245 TCS
message. The codec listed in left side has the highest priority
when both parties determining final codec.
-volume There are three adjustable value. Voice volume stands for
volume which can be heard from VoIP FXO gateway side. Input
gain stands for volume which the opposite party hears. Dtmf
volume stands for DTMF volume/level which sends to its own
Line1 or Line2.