
MultiMobile MT128ZLX User Guide Appendix C: Troubleshooting
P: How can one know if the ISDN phone line is attached properly to
the ISDN network connection cable so that you can
originate/answer ISDN calls?
S: When the U-interface network connection cable is used, the LED indicator on the connection
cable has following meanings:
LED always OFF: ISDN phone line is not attached, check the ISDN phone line connection
between MultiMobile and ISDN switch.
LED flashes very quickly: U-interface is in connection mode.
LED flashes once per second: U-interface connection successful, S/T-interface is in
connection mode.
LED always ON: ISDN link established, you can make/answer ISDN calls now.
In VCOMM mode, you can use the ATH5 command to check if the ISDN link between
MultiMobile and ISDN switch is ready to make/answer calls. The following responses report
the MultiMobile’s status:
Line Lost: ISDN phone line is not connected (check the connection between MultiMobile and
ISDN network connection cable, check the connection between ISDN network connection
cable and ISDN switch, check the ISDN switch type setting).
SPID Fail: Both SPID numbers are not correctly configured.
1 SPID Ready: One of the SPID numbers is incorrect.
2 SPID Ready: The MultiMobile is ready to operate.
P: It seems that the throughput of the MultiMobile is not as fast as
S: Sometimes the resident anti-virus program and the laptop’s BIOS settings, like “Auto-detect
PNP Function”, affects the MultiMobile’s I/O operation, and might lower the ISDN TA’s file
transfer throughput. Disable them (keep the system as simple as possible) and try again.
P: I can run Application Program (API) successfully, and the
MultiMobile responds OK when entering AT, but I cannot
Originate/Answer ISDN calls. Why?
S: (1) Check if ISDN phone line is connected properly.
(2) Check if the ISDN switch type is selected correctly.
(3) Check if the SPID numbers are correct.
(4) Issue the ATH5 command (in VCOMM mode) to check the MultiMobile function.
P: How can one make sure the MultiMobile’s hardware functions
S: Use AT&K command (in VCOMM mode) to verify the MultiMobile hardware function. The
response to the AT&K command is “ISDN Hardware is OK” or “ISDN Hardware is ‘BAD’.”
S: Connect the ISDN phone line between ISDN switch and MultiMobile, and use the ATH5
command (in VCOMM mode) to verify the ISDN PC Card function. All the following
messages show the MultiMobile hardware is without problems:
1 SPID Ready