
MultiMobile MT128ZLX User Guide Appendix D: Using AT Commands
Command Options Function & Description
AT&L0 Load user profile 0 to active RAM.
AT&L1 Load user profile 1 to active RAM.
AT&L2 Load user profile 2 to active RAM.
AT&L3 Load user profile 3 to active RAM.
AT&L4 Load user profile 4 to active RAM.
AT&L5 Load user profile 5 to active RAM.
AT&L6 Load user profile 6 to active RAM.
AT&L7 Load user profile 7 to active RAM.
AT&L8 Load user profile 8 to active RAM.
AT&L9 Load user profile 9 to active RAM.
AT&N0=0 Set Single-Link mode for Async to Sync PPP Conversion.
AT&N0=1 Set Multi-Link mode for Async to Sync PPP Conversion.
AT&P0 Copy user profile 0 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P1 Copy user profile 1 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P2 Copy user profile 2 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
Command Options Function & Description
AT&P3 Copy user profile 3 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P4 Copy user profile 4 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P5 Copy user profile 5 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P6 Copy user profile 6 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P7 Copy user profile 7 to profile E, and set it as power-up profile.
AT&P8 Copy user profile 8 to profile E, and set as it power-up profile.
AT&W0 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 0.
AT&W1 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 1.
AT&W2 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 2.
AT&W3 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 3.
AT&W4 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 4.
AT&W5 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 5.
AT&W6 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 6.
AT&W7 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 7.
AT&W8 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile 8.
AT&W9 Save current active settings in RAM to user profile E.
Command Options Function & Description
AT&Z0 Set the Secondary Dial Number for Async to Sync Multi-link PPP Mode.
AT&V Display current configuration
AT&Zn=x Store phone number n as x
n index number 0, 1, 2.
x saved phone number