Chapter 6: Using the Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 105
Call Progress Details: Field Definitions
Field Name
alues Description
Channel 1-n Number of data channel or time slot on which the call is carried. This is the
channel for which call-progress details are being viewed.
Call Details
Duration H/M/S The length of the call in hours, minutes, and seconds (hh:mm:ss).
Mode Voice or FAX Indicates whether the call being described was a voice call or a FAX call.
Voice Coder G.723, G.729,
G.711, etc.
The voice coder being used on this call.
IP Call Type H.323, SIP, or
Indicates the Call Signaling protocol used for the call (H.323, SIP, or SPP).
The –SS and –FX series only support SIP.
IP Call Direction incoming,
Indicates whether the call in question is an incoming call or an outgoing
Packet Details
Packets Sent integer value The number of data packets sent over the IP network in the course of this
Packets Rcvd integer value The number of data packets received over the IP network in the course of
this call.
Bytes Sent integer value The number of bytes of data sent over the IP network in the course of this
Bytes Rcvd integer value The number of bytes of data received over the IP network in the course of
this call.
Packets Lost integer value The number of voice packets from this call that were lost after being
received from the IP network.
To Details Description
Gateway Name
Identifier for the VOIP gateway that handled the origination of this call.
IP Address (from)
IP address from which the call was received.
Options SC, FEC Displays VOIP transmission options in use on the current call. These may
include Forward Error Correction or Silence Compression.
Gateway Name (to) alphanumeric
Identifier for the VOIP gateway that handled the completion of this call.
IP Address (to)
IP address to which the call was sent.
Options SC, FEC Displays VOIP transmission options in use on the current call. These may
include Forward Error Correction or Silence Compression.
DTMF/Other Details
Prefix Matched specified
dialing digits
Displays the dialed digits that were matched to a phonebook entry.
Outbound Digits Sent 0-9, #, * The digits transmitted by the MultiVOIP to the PBX/telco for this call.
Outbound Digits
0-9, #, * Of the digits transmitted by the MultiVOIP to the PBX/telco for this call,
these are the digits that were confirmed as being received.
Server Details
and/or other
The IP address (etc.) of the traffic control server (if any) being used
(whether an H.323 gatekeeper, a SIP proxy, or an SPP registrar gateway)
will be displayed here if the call is handled through that server.
DTMF Capability inband,
out of band
differ slightly
for different
Call Signaling
(H.323, SIP, or
Indicates whether the DTMF dialing digits are carried "Inband" or "Out of
Band." The corresponding field values differ for the 3 different VOIP
For H.323, this field can display "Out of Band" or "Inband". For SIP it can
display either "Out of Band RFC2833" or "Out of Band SIP INFO" to
indicate the out-of-band condition or "Inband" to indicate the in-band
condition. For SPP it can display "Out of Band RFC2833" or "Inband".
Table is continued on next page…