Chapter 3: Software Installation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 20
A unique LAN IP address is required for the MultiVOIP unit as well as a subnet mask and Gateway IP for minimal
functionality. Other settings in this category pertain to specific features and protocols that can be used, but are not
necessary for basic operation. Details for all settings are provided in chapter 4.
Figure 3-7: IP settings
• Select Packet Prioritization if used
o Set 802.1p Priority Parameters as needed
The Priority levels can be from 0 – 7, where 0 is lowest priority (details in Chapter 4)
VLAN ID identifies a virtual LAN by a number (1 to 4094)
• Set the Frame Type to match the network that the MultiVOIP is attached to
• Enter Gateway Name
o Check to enable DHCP if used
• Enter IP Address for the MultiVOIP unit
• Enter Subnet IP Mask for the MultiVOIP unit
• Enter Gateway IP
• Enable DNS if desired
o Enter DNS Server IP Address
• Enable SRV support if needed
• Diff Serv Parameters are for routers that are Diff Serv compatible
o Setting both values to 0 effectively disables Diff Serv
• FTP Server Enable is only needed for firmware and software updates to the MultiVOIP
• TDM Routing can be used if necessary