Chapter 4: Operating System Recovery 4-23
Furthermore, the following settings/revisions have been configured:
• Preinstalled Win95 to include the Product ID Number (PID)
• Placed the Gold Drive Part Number, Date Created, LPIN, and
Release in Registry under:
HKey-Local_Machine\Software\NCR\Gold Drive
• Added Userinfo.exe to Start Menu to capture User Name, User
Organization, Computer Name, and Workgroup (once the user has
entered this information, userinfo will remove itself from the Start
• Established a 2gb FAT16 primary system partition
• Established a secondary FAT32 partition that fills the remainder of
the drive
• Included necessary OS cab files in C:\Install
• Exposed to both EM and EM+ video chipsets
• Installed Intel Proset Utility
• Disabled game device and joystick
• Set color to 256