7454 Kits, B-1
Advanced power management, 1-19
Audio, 1-14
Setting, 2-29
BIOS crisis recovery, 5-4
BIOS default CMOS values, 3-4
BIOS Recovery
crisis recovery procedures, 5-4
using CD-ROM, 5-1
BIOS values
Celeron processor, 3-4, 3-10
Pentium III processor, 3-10
BIOS Versions, 3-1
Cash drawer
Installation, 2-22, 2-23
CMOS values
Celeron processor, 3-4, 3-10
Pentium III processor, 3-10
Compact Flash, 1-16
Completing the OS Installation (DOS),
2-28, 4-7
Completing the OS Installation
(Win2000), 2-26, 4-5
Completing the OS Installation (Win95),
2-28, 4-7
Completing the OS Installation (Win98),
2-27, 4-6
Completing the OS Installation (WinNT),
2-27, 4-6
Completing the OS Installation (WinXPe),
2-26, 4-5
Configuration diagram, 1-7
Customer Display (4x20), 6-1
Character sets, 6-3
Command descriptions, 6-6
Diagnostics, 6-2
Customer Display Command
Brightness Adjustment, 6-15
Disable Character Blink, 6-12
Disable Cursor, 6-10
Disable Screen Save Option, 6-12
Display ESC Character, 6-16
Enable Character Blink, 6-12
Enable Cursor, 6-10
Erase Display, 6-8
Invalid Command, 6-8
Move Cursor Down, 6-14