
IPX Setup 5-15
Add SAP Filter
Filter Name:
Server Name:
Socket: 0000
Type: 0000
IPX Network: 00000000
IPX Node Address: 000000000000
Configure a new IPX SAP Filter. Finished? ADD or CANCEL to exit.
By default, the filter’s socket and type numbers and network and
node addresses are null (all zeros). This sets the filter to match on
any IPX SAP packet entry. You should configure the filter using
criteria that meet your needs.
Follow these steps to configure the new SAP filter:
1. Select Filter Name and enter a descriptive name for the filter.
2. To specify a server name for the filter to match on, select
Server Name and enter the name of an IPX server. You can use
the wildcard characters * (asterisk) and ? (question mark). Use
* to match any string, including a null string (no characters),
and ? to match any single character in the server’s name. For
example, the filter could match on the server name
3. To specify a socket for the filter to match on, select Socket and
enter an IPX socket number.
4. To specify a type number for the filter to match on, select Type
and enter an IPX type number.
5. To specify an IPX network address for the filter to match on,
select IPX Network and enter an IPX network address.